Why a standard e-Commerce solution will make your parts problem worse
As a manufacturer, you want your e-commerce journey to be enjoyable, so customers will continue to buy parts online, freeing up your team to focus on the business and not taking parts enquiries over the phone. A positive online experience can be challenging to achieve, especially if you have a generic e-commerce platform. Poor user experience is the most common reason why customers leave and never return to your site. So, how can you avoid this fate? In this article, we’ll share why manufacturers need an integrated parts ordering platform instead of a generic one-size-fits-all B2B e-commerce platform. As consumers, we all like to be able to purchase goods online. B2B and B2B2C vendors that offer a similar experience for businesses are opening up new revenue routes for themselves whilst remaining competitive. Afterall, an online ordering platform can open the doors to many global parts ordering opportunities. Choosing an e-commerce system is difficult, however, selecting the wrong one can be worse than not offering an online ordering system in the first place. Here’s how to avoid those costly mistakes.
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