Coming soon: Partful 2.0

A platform to create your Exploded 3D Parts Catalog in Minutes.

2D diagrams and PDFs repel dealers and customers and generate more emails, calls and incorrect orders. Partful makes 3D Exploded Parts Catalog creation as easy as 1-2-3 for your teams with automatic 3D model creation, configuration management, and e-commerce. Save your team hours on emails, calls and part order fulfilment and 2X your part revenue today.

The current Aftersales systems cause... pain.

2D diagrams and PDFs waste your time with infinite emails, calls and incorrect orders. 

Part identification is the first step in your dealers' and customers’ process of finding the right parts. And oftentimes, it’s when they’re in urgent need to find the part quickly and accurately. When you don’t give them the right tool and information, it causes frustration for them and your team, multiple back-and-forth emails and calls to end up with the wrong parts being ordered.

It's in the data.

67% of parts revenue are lost to non-OEM sellers. 

We surveyed 2250 dealers and part buyers globally. Every 2 in 3 said they chose to go to third-party sellers to find and buy the parts they need because of the inaccessibility of an OEM parts catalog or store. 

Read the Report

of consumers are able to find the parts they need directly from the manufacturer.

of professionals admit to encountering difficulties in identifying necessary parts.

of parts sales are lost every year by OEMs to third-party sellers.

How to fix this?

OEM aftersales teams using Partful can focus on growing revenue and strategic projects that matter.

With Partful, you can remove all the frustrating part inquiry emails, calls and incorrect orders, and create a 3D Exploded Parts Catalog and parts sales system in minutes using your existing CAD and Bill of Materials. 

Paper Instructions Copy of Tourial recording (1)

Incorrect part orders due to part misidentification and outdated parts information.


No digital thread or integration means manual parts information updates every time changes happen to CAD and BoMs.


Manual orders by phone and Excel sheets lead to bad customer and dealer experience.

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Frustrated customers and dealers opt for independent sellers and suppliers while you lose out on revenue.


No more spending hours updating 2D diagrams, PDFs and Excel spreadsheets.


No more wrong part orders slipping through the cracks.


No more frustrating emails and phone calls asking for part names/numbers.


No more losing parts sales to non-OEM sellers.

How does it work?

3D Interactive and Exploded Parts Catalog up and running in minutes.

Fool-proof parts identification, amazing dealer and customer experience and 2X parts revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions

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