This article will go through how to upload your CAD Data into the Partful platform and start the process of creating your 3D Electronic Parts Catalog.
Starting from the Product Library, click on the Create Product tile (this is only accessible to Admin-level users).
Enter the Product Name for the item you are creating, as you want it to be displayed in your Parts Catalogue.
Please Note: This name will be how it appears in your parts catalog to you and your end users. It cannot be edited once you have completed this step just yet, so please be mindful of the naming convention and spelling.
Click browse and select the Native CAD zip file that you want to use to create the 3D model of your product. Click the orange Start Upload button to start the upload of your CAD.
Read how to export your CAD here.
The progress of the zip file upload can be followed from the loading bar on the screen. This will give you an idea of how long to wait till your CAD is uploaded. We find usually it takes a few minutes depending on the size of the CAD.
Important note: Please do not leave the page while the upload is in progress. you can open a new tab if you want to work on something else while this is in progress.
When the upload is complete the wizard will automatically proceed to the next step which is choosing your General Assembly.
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