How To Export Your CAD Data From Inventor.

In this article, we go through how to best export your CAD data from Inventor for the Partful platform, using Pack and Go, or exporting as a STEP file.

The STEP export instructions are for STEP 242 files, however we do also accept STEP 214 too. STEP 214 may struggle to produce high quality 3D modes in the Partful Platform as there is less detail in the data but our team can work with you to check your CAD data. 

Jump to instructions for :

  1. Pack and Go (This is your native CAD)
  2. .STEP file


Pack and Go:


  1. Within the "Save As" menu selecting "Pack and Go" will open a dialog box that allows you to choose what to include in the package. 
  2. Ensure the following are selected:
    1. Copy to single path.
    2. Include linked files.
    3. The relevant project file.
    4. Package as zip.
  3. Click "Search now" and wait for it to find all of the relevant files
  4. Click "Start" and wait for the zip file to finish exporting and compressing. 
  5. Once your final zip file is downloaded, this is the file that can be uploaded into the platform. 



STEP 242:

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  1. Go to “File”.
  2. Go to "Export" and then "CAD format",
  3. From the "Save as type" dropdown menu, choose “STEP files (*.stp, *.ste,* .step, *.stpz)”
  4. You'll be prompted to chose the STEP file you want to save as - see below:
  5. Chose "242 - Managed Model based 3D Engineering"
    1. Ideally we always want the STEP file to be in 242 “Managed Model Based 3D Engineering". This is so that all configurations and features are included in your CAD download. This produces the best 3D model in Partful. 
    2. We can also accept STEP 214 files but these will produce 3D models with less detail. 
  6. Click "ok"
  7. Then Save - This may take some time as the file processes. 


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