Preparing Your Sales Bill of Materials.

The Partful platform requires the Sales BOM to be uploaded in a specific format. We'll go through how to prepare your Sales BOM to add to the platform.

Now that your CAD data has been processed, you will need to identify the sellable parts and sales content for your product in the form of a Sales Bill of Materials (known as a Sales BOM or SBOM).


To help you get started, if you don’t have a Sales BOM already prepared, you can download the Partful Sales BOM template spreadsheet by clicking the Download Template button from the Platform. This download will show you a pre-populated SBOM with the Part Numbers and Part Names from your CAD data.


This is designed as a starting point for you to build your SBOM from, and map your sales content against your part names and numbers.

Important Note: Even if you already have a Sales BOM prepared, you will still need to download the template file, as you will need to provide your sales data in this specific format to ensure that your sales content can be efficiently and successfully ingested, and also that it can be matched to your CAD parts data too.


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Engineering Part Number (Column A, Your First Column)

Sales Part Number (Column B, Your Second Column)

  • These fields must be filled in with your Sales Part Number/Aftersales Part Number., unless, it is the same as the Engineering Part Number. 


Part Name (Column C, Your Third Column)

  • This is the display name of the part used in the EPC. 

Description (Column D, Your Forth Column)

  • This is the long description of the product that will appear in the left-hand description panel.


Price Excluding VAT (Column E, Your Fifth Column)

  • This is the price that you're selling the part for excluding tax. It must be rounded to two decimal places, or filled with "POR" for "Price on Request."