Identifying Part Numbers and Part Names.

You'll need to choose your Part Numbers and Part Names so the Partful platform can identify the different parts in the product.

Once your CAD has been processed and you return to the wizard, you will need to identify which of the data fields in your CAD represent the Engineering Part Numbers and Part Names that are used to identify each part in the CAD model. 


Look through the table on the platform - this is a representation of the product attribute data - and find which columns contain the Part Number and Part Name, and then from the drop-down lists under the table, select the fields you want to assign for each value.

💡 If you're in doubt, we recommend checking in with your Design Engineer to ask which columns would best apply. 

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What are Engineering Part Numbers and Part Names?

Engineering Part Numbers

At the beginning of the product lifecycle, a CAD Designer will assign a unique identifier to every assembly and part, so that each different part can be reliably identified. This ensures consistency and traceability of each assembly and part from this point of the product lifecycle onwards. This unique identifier is the Engineering Part Number.

Engineering Part Numbers can take many formats, but most commonly contain letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, for example:

  • EPN-1001-A
  • ENG-4567-B
  • X120-ENGINE-002-V2

Part Names

It's not always easy to discern exactly which part an item is by the Engineering Part Number alone. The Part Name provides an easily human-readable identifier for each assembly and part.  It's usually a simple, clear, and concise description of a part’s appearance and function, for example:

  • "Engine Control Unit"
  • "Main Circuit Board"
  • "Left-Hand Door Panel"

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