Exporting CAD Files for Partful.

Below, we list all the types of CAD that we can accept as well as a navigation on how to find the best export instructions for your CAD software and version.

Follow our flowchart below for a quick guide to which export instructions you should use and what to do if you can't find your solution. Instructions are also transcribed below.

⚠️  Please do not ignore errors in your CAD when exporting. Please fix any errors you encounter within your CAD before attempting to export and upload into Partful. Ignored errors can lead to missing parts, or processing errors in the platform.


Why is it important to ensure all the part and assembly references are up to date?
When your file is run through our pipeline, if the General Assembly file has out-of-date assembly and part references then you will find that the converted file won’t include all the parts.

Does your company design their own products?


Click here to see our list of guide and find your guide.


The reason we ask whether your company designs it’s own products is because the Partful platform needs Native CAD Data to automatically create 3D models.

This has to be CAD data that is owned by the Original Manufacturer and not from a third-party. 

If you’re a dealer or third-party parts vendor, then we can’t help, but do let your OEM suppliers know that you’d like a 3D parts catalog like Partful!

I don't know:

The reason we ask whether your company designs it’s own products is because the Partful platform needs Native CAD Data to automatically create 3D models.

This has to be CAD data that is owned by the Original Manufacturer and not third-party data. 

If you’re a dealer or third-party parts vendor, then we can’t help, but do let your OEM suppliers know that you’d like a 3D parts catalog like Partful!

If you think you own your CAD Data, then click here to see the CAD we support. 



Which CAD vendor do you use? 

⚠️  Please do not ignore errors in your CAD when exporting. Please fix any errors you encounter within your CAD before attempting to export and upload into Partful. Ignored errors can lead to missing parts, or processing errors in the platform.

None of these

Don’t worry! The most basic form of CAD data that we can accept is a 
STEP file - ideally STEP 242, but we do accept 214.

Usually, saving your CAD as a .Step file will just involve going to “File” > “Save As” or “Save As Copy” from within your CAD software and choosing .STEP or .STP as your file format.

If you encounter any problems, just ask us! Our team is more than happy to help with any problems!

I don't know 

If you’re not sure who your CAD vendor is then you will need to talk to your Technical Documentation or Engineering Team.

You may also need to ask them to download the CAD data for you.

For this reason we recommend getting your Technical Documentation or Engineering Teams involved in using Partful, and joining any onboarding conversations we have with you. 

Click here to see what information you’ll need to start with Partful.