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  2. Creating Your 3D Electronic Parts Catalog
  3. Publishing Your Product To Your 3D Electronic Parts Catalog

Publishing Your Product To Your 3D Parts Catalog.

Quick summary of the Product Overview page, and how to toggle your product from Draft to Live and what that means for users.

On the Product Overview page there will be:

  • An automatically generated thumbnail image of your 3D Model. 
  • Product Name - the name of your product as it will be displayed in the Parts Catalog. 
  • Categories: From the dropdown menu you can select as many categories and sub-categories as you want this product to be shown in within your main Product Library.

💡 Handy Tip: Not seeing any categories here? Please contact your Partful Customer Success representative to get these setup on your account.

  • Product Status:
    • Draft: means the product has been created and is only visible to Admin-level users, and is not viewable/purchasable in your Parts Catalog yet.
    • Live: the product is published to your Parts Catalog and can be viewed/purchased by anyone with access to your EPC.

Once you toggle your Product Status from Draft to Live, your users will then be able to see your new product on their end of the Partful platform. 🎉