ERP API Integration

This article provides guidance on our ERP API Key and how to integrate your ERP with your Partful Parts Catalogue. If you have any questions, please contact us via

Parts API

  • What is Parts API?

Parts API is the software intermediary that allows the passing of data into the Partful platform from other applications such as ERP systems in the form of API calls. Your ERP system will call out API to send your parts data into the Partful parts catalogue.

This will allow you to remove all the manual updates of your parts catalogue every time a change is made within your ERP system. All your changes will be carried out directly using our API in real-time, ensuring that your dealers and customers can buy parts with the correct information at all times.

  • How does this work?

    • What data does it transfer?

There are different ways to interact with the API. However, it all requires a main identifier which is the part number. The API will use the part number to identify the part to update and the data associated with it. Typically, this data can include:

      • Part name
      • Description and attributes
      • Price
      • If available for sale.
    • How does it transfer the data from the Partful platform to your ERP?

This depends on the technology you use to implement our API, but we have streamlined our API to only request the necessary information to save time and costs against using specific software.

Your team that manages your ERP system should be able to use our API and set up a suitable integration with how your ERP is structured.

    • Data transfer frequency

Our Edit parts API is active 24/7, 365 days a year and can submit as many times as you require (within fair usage) to update a part with the relevant information.

  • How to implement it

    • Get the API key

Please contact our Customer Success team to receive an API key.

    • Implementation instructions

Partful customers will be provided with our Swagger documentation during their setup phase, by our Customer Success team. You will be able to test call the API and test different aspects of the API using JSON. The implementation will depend on your platform technology and your processes.



Order Details API

  • What is the Order Details API?

    The Order Details API provides a way for you to programmatically retrieve data about orders placed with them via the Partful Platform in real time, enabling you to integrate this information into your own business processes and ERP workflow.
  • How does it work?

    • What data does it transfer?
      You receive two types of data. The first type is the ‘OrderID’ which is delivered via a subscription. The second type is the entire order data, which they retrieve securely via an API (Application Programming Interface).

Depending on your needs, this data typically includes

      • Customer details (Name, Email address, Delivery address, Phone number)
      • Part name/number with quantity and prices 
      • Customer message/reference number
      • Total amount
    • How does it transfer the data from the Partful platform to your ERP?
      You will need to provide a URL or endpoint which is where the ‘OrderID’ is sent upon placement of an order. You can then use this ‘OrderID’ value to then call the Order Details API, along with their API key which will provide all of the details about the order related to the ‘OrderID’ value.
    • Data transfer frequency
      ‘OrderID’ values will be sent to your URL/endpoint shortly after an order is placed via your Partful Platform. You are able to call the Order Details API whenever you wish.
  • How to implement it

    • Get the API key ( API Key Version)
      Please contact our Customer Success team to obtain an API key that your technical team will need to use when making an API call to our Order Details API for Authentication and Authorisation.
    • Get the Client ID and Client Secret (OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Version)
      Please contact our Customer Success team to obtain your Client ID and Client Secret. Your application will make a call to the Partful Token endpoint [url]/oauth2/token with the relevant scope and Authorization Header, including the Access Token obtained from the previous call; 

      Sample request:

curl --request GET \

  --url \

  --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJUU0dXSmFHMDlMMkVFbnJRcTNFOFR5TFpPd2hQcEZRUVdxR25zRDkwamNrPSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiIxZDYyNGM5OXVtZzVkbG5vZW1lbDFiM2JwNCIsInRva2VuX3VzZSI6ImFjY2VzcyIsInNjb3BlIjoidHJhbnNhY3Rpb25zXC9wb3N0IHRyYW5zYWN0aW9uc1wvZ2V0IiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjkxNDM3MTc5LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY29nbml0by1pZHAuZXUtd2VzdC0yLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb21cL2V1LXdlc3QtMl9seXc5c2dtbDkiLCJleHAiOjE2OTE0NDA3NzksImlhdCI6MTY5MTQzNzE3OSwidmVyc2lvbiI6MiwianRpIjoiNTgyM2M2NTMtMDk1OS00MjBlLThlMWUtNzc1ZGQ4NTI5MWUxIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiMWQ2MjRjOTl1bWc1ZGxub2VtZWwxYjNicDQifQ.pAXB0zmdcqIo4iTdHiMmmpViU93meahlQNBP0I06DJmkNbQK9hZxA80y8WN8JvaWEfRfHNS0nOw2GDUQHSpTtyiCriwsjpVF-z9-SUhC58lYqM2dm1I5wum1JcJbR2CVD9vhnw-LKBqWEueBXlKVDwcmq_XkrCw7h1n0zt2Z_hCII2Xbwwbt_nzrT2051xSVsfuCknnoYp4m13CiK0KEYKtG-r1uh0yP13aBNjSa-AMW0SG-SfC75xqjHlNClmmir-nnAzkpDd5JyAk_cQcVl_vRdXoaBm4niskjli4w5_jClO8xS0LKQTNwQP6p5Py5oLwqsbr2u49QBQ2lzm1kMg'
    • Implementation instructions
      We have provided Swagger documentation which allows you to test call the API and test different aspects of the API using JSON. The implementation will depend on your platform technology and your processes.